Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowed in

the past 3-4 days we have been snowed in the house due to ice everywhere ...

and i have enjoyed every minute of it...... :]

Rylee had her 1st try at hot chocolate and snow cream , we colored and played with toys and enjoyed having her daddy home with us to snuggle up on the couch and watch disney movies. we played out in the snow and took Rylee sledding in my Landry basket ....

we had an awesome time just being at home together snuggled and warm ... it was rylee's 1st time being snowed in and  she loved it

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Growing up

Every day my baby girl grows and learns something new , i couldn't be more proud of her and all she has accomplished.Rylee very early on started meeting milestones early and although i am very proud it also makes me so sad because i feel like she is growing faster then she needs to. I love spending every second there is with her and the more she grows the harder it is on me. I see friends with little newborns and it makes me so sad because i don't want another baby i just want the one i already have to be back at that little newborn size. I have one of the best babies and of course as her mother ill always stand by that but she is truly just the happiest little girl and loves learning and at times she shocks me with what she knows or can do . Just yesterday out of no where she started showing me shapes on things and actually got them right ( at 16 months), i was so proud of her but it always gets me thinking on how big she is. Of course she is still a baby and will be for awhile but looking back at pictures of her being newborn all the way up until now always bring me to tears because it seems like i blinked and here we are and i have honestly enjoyed every second with her , she makes my life so much more meaningful and she even teaches me to be a better person. I guess i just wish time could slow down some so i can enjoy it even more so , i know everyone grows up but i wish it took a lot longer. I get asked a lot when we are having another baby and as much as we want another one ( one day ... years from now) i just cant bring myself to think i could love someone as much as her. I'm sure when that time comes of course ill love all my kids the same but its hard to even think that now and if we don't ever have anymore i couldn't be more happy with just her i love watching her sleep or eat or anything i hate to be away from her for even 2 seconds because i just don't want to miss out on anything with her.This all in all may sound like i have separation anxiety and maybe i do but i just enjoy having her around me and just looking at her sometimes i just cant even describe the feeling i get ... she is just so perfect in my eyes. I love my daughter more then i could ever explain in words and even when she is fully grown that love will never change  ... i just wish growing up ... well i just wish she could stay a baby a lot longer then time allows.

Friday, January 7, 2011

motherhood from a different angle

Becoming a mom has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I love watching my baby grow and learn new things ( at the rate she is at now its crazy every day it seems she learns at the least five new words and is already speaking sentences) but being a mom has been the hardest thing i have ever had to do. The problem is not my child in fact i feel very blessed with her she honestly is one of the best behaved babies and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother she has been sleeping through the night since a month old  and over all she is just always happy only on the rarest days does she act up or get fussy. Motherhood for me became difficult for my reasoning on how i choose to mother. I do not give my child all the vaccines and i feel like i defend this everyday to someone new or to her doctor every time  we have to go for a checkup. i realize this is against the majority but I'm honestly sick of hearing people justify it to me because of their own guilt if i were to post this on my facebook i would prob have 80 million comments on why i should from those who do or comments about the ups of vaccines when most are untrue and just words from their doctors. My husband and i choose to research each individual vaccine before Rylee was even born and no not all our info came from the internet most came from books written by former pediatricians. We choose right off to not get Rylee all of them because honestly most don't even help defend what they are supposedly preventing. we have also caught Rylee's doctor lying about things for an example wanting to push the flu shot then the next doctor visit when i refused it was told she wouldn't even give it to her own kids (yet why is she pushing for me to and to give it to my child). my list for not wanting each vaccine could take up a whole book to write but to sum it up some have things in them that the body should not have injected and I'm not even talking about the dorm version on the illness i'm talking about high traces of mercury (which they supposedly fixed yet we still have kids dying from mercury poisoning from vaccines ???) we waited to get Rylee her hep.B shot until she was one month old because that is the one shot most kids have allergic reactions to due to a form of yeast (that is really strong yet they inject newborns with it). we did however decide that hepatitis is a very deadly thing if she were to catch but waited until we felt her immune system was stronger ( she was breastfeed for the 1st few months of her life) to give her the shot. we wont get her the flu in any of its many  forms (shot, nasal,  h1n1) because it can cause you to get the very thing it is suppose to prevent ( so why waste my money on something and for two why give her the chance of getting it from the shot when she may not even get it at all?) she also will never receive the chicken pox shot (varicella) because it as well can cause you to get the chicken pox , the only upside to the chicken pox shot is it can prevent the shingles (When the virus leaves traces in your system and can cause you to break out in a rash later on which for children usually has no effect but on the elderly can cause discomfort ). we did get Rylee one dose of the hep a. shot but she will not receive any more after researching it more i do not find it a risk ( hep a is spread through food esp. if someone did not wash their hands ) but with all our food i would hope you either wash or cook what your about to eat and there you go preventing without injecting. Rylee was not allowed to get the Rotateq vaccine ( the oral vaccine) because it is given to help prevent serve cases of well poop. it is given to babies up to 7 months after that doctors don't find it a risk and we as parents felt if for some reason Rylee were to get the virus we would be sure to keep her hydrated and if cases came to worse she would have to go to the hospital for an iv well here is shocker for all you who swear by vaccines my daughter didn't get the vaccine and she didn't get the virus i know that's hard to grasp but i just saved my child from having to be orally injected with what i see as poison and a way for doctors and the cdc to make money ( trust me the doctor was not happy with this choice).  Rylee wont receive the MMR which is so debatable in many forms for one i don't like the fact its a combination shot which gives more chances of poisoning as well she would be injected with 3 different viruses. To me the MMR shot does cause autism some people want to believe its genetic but the truth is some children have been documented their whole lives and within days of having sometimes even  instantly receiving this shot started to act and start becoming autistic I'm not saying autism is only caused by this because it has been proven as well that what we feed autistic children can help cure it ( i feel like with the crap we feed our kids these days and from the poison we inject into them to supposedly protect them react bad with their bodies and their brain can not contain the things its in taking and begins to shut certain parts off) i also feel like the measles and the mumps are not anything to worry with unless you have a child born with a defective immune system to begin with where if they caught either they could die but it wouldn't be from the illness alone and cases of both are very rare and rarely seen and if Rylee were to get either she would be taken care of but her chances of getting them are very very slim. also the polio vaccine is un- needed because  there has not been a case of it in the us since the 1970's and here a fact for you polio was gone in this country before the vaccine became popular and regulated ( a doctor wouldn't tell you that because they want us to believe that it died out because of the vaccine when that  is not the case) and if for some reason it came back here the vaccine would still be given and Rylee herself can choose if she wants it or not.  this isn't even all the shots but i feel like my point is this I'm not going to inject my child with something to prevent something that doesn't exists anymore or something if she caught she wouldn't die from because then I'm injecting things in her body she may have never needed that over all also have long term effects on your body and im not going to inject her with something if it can cause her to get what it is suppose to help prevent i don't see what the point in that is . I know my choice isn't the popular one and I'm not saying my way of parenting is the right way but please for those of you who do vaccinate your kids please understand a mom like me who doesn't  really could care less about the reason you do because in the end even after hours of hearing it we wont see the point in it nor really do we care and as mean as that sounds its the harsh truth because i strongly feel for one that some of  the vaccines given are nothing but a way to make money and are poison. i just want my daughter to have the best chance at a healthy life so she can grow and enjoy life to the fullest and for me I'm doing and giving her the best shot. We are also picky with what we allow Rylee to have to eat and drink as much fun and as good as soda and sweets are we don't let Rylee have them like most of my family and friends do with theirs kids and its not because we want o be mean but she doesn't know what she is missing out on and lets be honest with ourselves soda and sweets are not healthy for even us much less our kids and in this country we do face the problem of kids being obese from very young ages and i want to prevent that for my daughter for as long as i can. We choose to feed her with organics as much as possible as well to keep hormones from entering her body or pesticides or chemical to preserve foods the down side is organic cost so much more and can be very hard to keep up with but i suggest to any mom out there wanting to do the organics but may not can afford all organic food as nor can we choose the meats, milk and fruits and vegi with a porous skin. We also began taking Rylee to the chiropractor from her being one day old to be adjusted and i can promise you it has helped prevent so many things for my baby girl she has never been sick with more then a cold and has had only one ear infection til this date which for anyone is amazing and hard to prevent but chiropractic care can help kids stay healthy and kids who see a chiropractor regularly as less likely to be sick and also when sick if adjusted can rid of sickness faster bc it gives your body its ability to send messages from your brain through your nervous system the way it should be but when you are out of whack then your messages cant or take longer to receive and give out. my advice to nay mom would be to please do your research on all vaccines and if you do choose not to please know your choice is going to be tested everyday because even still mine is ...........

( if you comment this stating how bad of a mother i am or how or why i should inject my child with use less vaccines ill delete it and remove you )

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Introduction ... or something along those lines

Its hard to know where to start , although as i type this i have a million things running through my mind. I'm a simple person although i stand strong in my beliefs which however are not always the popular ones but i feel as though my purpose is to make the best life i can for my daughter. If standing against the crowd is what it takes , well then it will be done. I gave birth to her what seems like yesterday but she is already now 16 months old. The thought of her growing up at times brings me to tears and yet every new experience brings me joy. I started dating my now husband almost six years ago and we have been through what seems like so much in just that short time but he has always been there no matter what. I can honestly say i married my best friend and someone i love with all i am. The most important things in my life are first off God because I'm a strong believer and i do what i see best by what God would want for me. I may not always know what that is but i try to be open  to hear and see  what exactly his plans for me are. I want my daughter to hopefully grow up if anything seeing me as a strong  woman in my faith. I want so much of what he has for me and my small family and i have to do what i feel it takes for us to be able to achieve that. My family means more to me then anything they are the one true stable things in my life and are my support and I'm so blessed to have them. Friends are what I'm learning can be an up and down thing with growing up comes changes and you drift apart or just go down different roads but i feel like the people who are in my life are in my life for a reason and i truly just love people and want best for everyone. My friends i have no are those i feel the most real to and are those who i feel want the same things out of life i do and they are wonderful. Me, Myself and I want to do more then just be i want to take every second i am given and do something with it. After all my ranting i guess my purpose in this is to show what my day to day life is and so it can be something i look back on and remember the good and the bad i went through to see how as a person i change and to have memories of my ever so growing baby girl to look back on but also to express my thoughts and maybe layout for all those to see why i do the things i do or see the things i see.