Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Growing up

Every day my baby girl grows and learns something new , i couldn't be more proud of her and all she has accomplished.Rylee very early on started meeting milestones early and although i am very proud it also makes me so sad because i feel like she is growing faster then she needs to. I love spending every second there is with her and the more she grows the harder it is on me. I see friends with little newborns and it makes me so sad because i don't want another baby i just want the one i already have to be back at that little newborn size. I have one of the best babies and of course as her mother ill always stand by that but she is truly just the happiest little girl and loves learning and at times she shocks me with what she knows or can do . Just yesterday out of no where she started showing me shapes on things and actually got them right ( at 16 months), i was so proud of her but it always gets me thinking on how big she is. Of course she is still a baby and will be for awhile but looking back at pictures of her being newborn all the way up until now always bring me to tears because it seems like i blinked and here we are and i have honestly enjoyed every second with her , she makes my life so much more meaningful and she even teaches me to be a better person. I guess i just wish time could slow down some so i can enjoy it even more so , i know everyone grows up but i wish it took a lot longer. I get asked a lot when we are having another baby and as much as we want another one ( one day ... years from now) i just cant bring myself to think i could love someone as much as her. I'm sure when that time comes of course ill love all my kids the same but its hard to even think that now and if we don't ever have anymore i couldn't be more happy with just her i love watching her sleep or eat or anything i hate to be away from her for even 2 seconds because i just don't want to miss out on anything with her.This all in all may sound like i have separation anxiety and maybe i do but i just enjoy having her around me and just looking at her sometimes i just cant even describe the feeling i get ... she is just so perfect in my eyes. I love my daughter more then i could ever explain in words and even when she is fully grown that love will never change  ... i just wish growing up ... well i just wish she could stay a baby a lot longer then time allows.

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