Thursday, January 6, 2011

Introduction ... or something along those lines

Its hard to know where to start , although as i type this i have a million things running through my mind. I'm a simple person although i stand strong in my beliefs which however are not always the popular ones but i feel as though my purpose is to make the best life i can for my daughter. If standing against the crowd is what it takes , well then it will be done. I gave birth to her what seems like yesterday but she is already now 16 months old. The thought of her growing up at times brings me to tears and yet every new experience brings me joy. I started dating my now husband almost six years ago and we have been through what seems like so much in just that short time but he has always been there no matter what. I can honestly say i married my best friend and someone i love with all i am. The most important things in my life are first off God because I'm a strong believer and i do what i see best by what God would want for me. I may not always know what that is but i try to be open  to hear and see  what exactly his plans for me are. I want my daughter to hopefully grow up if anything seeing me as a strong  woman in my faith. I want so much of what he has for me and my small family and i have to do what i feel it takes for us to be able to achieve that. My family means more to me then anything they are the one true stable things in my life and are my support and I'm so blessed to have them. Friends are what I'm learning can be an up and down thing with growing up comes changes and you drift apart or just go down different roads but i feel like the people who are in my life are in my life for a reason and i truly just love people and want best for everyone. My friends i have no are those i feel the most real to and are those who i feel want the same things out of life i do and they are wonderful. Me, Myself and I want to do more then just be i want to take every second i am given and do something with it. After all my ranting i guess my purpose in this is to show what my day to day life is and so it can be something i look back on and remember the good and the bad i went through to see how as a person i change and to have memories of my ever so growing baby girl to look back on but also to express my thoughts and maybe layout for all those to see why i do the things i do or see the things i see.

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