Friday, March 4, 2011

a poem thats sorta cheesy

You came to me in a form of surprise and brought nothing but joy ,the next thing i wondered was were you a girl or a boy? your came about from nothing but love also with a little help from God above. So little did i know then your what would complete my heart, you  are nothing short of Gods perfect art. Nine months felt like forever before i could hold you and now it seems like every second that day just flew.With every smile and tear my heart grew with more then anything i knew a little perfect life depending on my every move.Having you here by me is everything and more i cant see being without you  because i love you and thats for sure. You grow more each and every day sometimes it feels with me with joy other times dismay. I would keep you my small newborn baby if i could but i love watching you learn and enjoy life like you should. My Rylee your nothing short of perfection in my eyes and mommy loves you and thats a love that never dies. I'll be here for you always and forever and nothing could keep us apart i mean never. Your my greatest wish and every dream all together in one but how could i ever pray and say thanks to the lord enough for what he has done. Here we are almost two years later and i still feel like there could be nothing greater . your my greatest treasure and hope without you now i could never cope. I love you so much my sweet little baby girl , from you toes to your lil dainty curls.My life changed forever but only for the better. I am so proud of everything you do and who you are i know in life you will go far. ill try to take each moment with bliss but i know its times like these ill  always miss. so for now we take it day by day and until your grown  im happy  to say with me is where you'll stay.

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