Sunday, April 17, 2011

A letter to Rylee

when your ready to speak your heart it seems words fail you, but im going to try it anyways.this whole journey and life change is all becuase god knew what i needed and it was you. i dont know how or why he picked me to be ever so lucky, but i could never be more grateful and humbled as i am now. im unworthy of such perfection but thru you i know more of gods love for us his childern. to think of my love for you and to know his love is even more so blows me away. to feel such love and compassion and be put thru the hardest thing in my life watching your grow up faster then i can keep up is more then just a blessing to me . i look at you and i cant even describe the joy you bring to me sometimes i could just cry over just how much i love you or just laugh becuase the things you do and say keep my day filled with nothing less then excitement and happiness. i dont know how to say what you mean to me andwith only words i dont think i can. you are my heart the reason im here and alive in some sense with you things mean so much more like my time and the things i use to worry over i put my everything into you and you never let me down every day you make me more proud and to watch you learn and play its the best gift ever gievn to me. i love you more then i could ever try to explain but i wanted you to know ill always be proud of who u are and i cant wait to watch you grow up in chirst and be who gods called you to be, its bitter sweet id love to keep you small forever yet i take pride in who and what youve already accomplished . my love for you could only be compared to christs love for us and im blessed with you as my daughter and i take every second til forever in and enjoy it so thank you for being nothing less then perfect and for shwoing me a whole new love in this amazing life.

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