Saturday, June 4, 2011


Rylee is now twenty one months old... that in gerenal seems impossiable for time to have gone by so fast. I'm proud to say she has had no vaccines since before she was a year old and even then not all of them and she is doing amazing .absoulutly no sickness minus the common cold. We have had no ear infections ,dipar rashes or flu muchless anything more then a runny nose this past winter  and with no vaccines which means less pain and trauma for my baby girl. I couldnt be happier with the way things are she is way above average for her age in most things and of course as a mother thats what i have to say but in general i dont know many babies under the age of two who can  count,sing thier abc's , count by twos, name colors,shapes, and opposites ,she can read some baisc words and recongize all her body parts and animals and the sounds they make including undomestic, her vocabulary can consist of anything u want her to say and she physically is at great height and weight for her age in fact she is above agervage for height  ( all the girls in her family are pretty tall ) . Baby girls favorite thing right now is to learn to sing new songs and trying to do flips on the floor :) .... we take her regularly to the chiropractor and only see her peditricain when she is sick and so far that has worked out perfect for us along with eating organic and no medications unless absoultly needed   im so happy to say i truly have one of the sweetest most fun loving babies soon to be toddlers.she loves to learn and is mostly well behaved but of course has her moments like any baby or child but i couldnt ask for anyone better :)

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